- Tickets
- Subscriptions
- OVpay
- OV-chipkaart
If you travel frequently with Overal, a subscription is often more cost-effective than paying per trip. You can easily select a subscription for your region through the webshop.
With a subscription, you can travel freely or with a discount throughout the Netherlands or within a specific region. Sometimes the subscription is only valid for our buses, while other times it also covers buses, trams, or metros of other operators.
With a subscription, you can travel freely or with a discount throughout the Netherlands or within a specific region. Sometimes the subscription is only valid for our buses, while other times it also covers buses, trams, or metros of other operators.
Note: Discount subscriptions do not work with NS Flex, so your OV-chipkaart balance will still be deducted. NS Flex works with unlimited travel subscriptions such as Dal Vrij or Altijd Vrij, as no balance is deducted from your OV-chipkaart with these subscriptions.
More information about:
Ordering in the webshop
You can travel with your OV-chipkaart if there is a free travel subscription, discount card or credit on it. You can buy these products in o ...