Customer service
Frequently asked questions
Consult the most frequently asked questions about our services.
Frequently asked questions about:
FAQs about travelling
We would like to help you plan your trip or find up-to-date travel information. You can use the different search engines we have developed:
- Travel planner
- Timetable finder
- Bus stop information and current departure times and transfer possibilities
- Disruptions and diversions
The bus driver tries to stick to the schedule, but sometimes the bus might arrive a bit earlier or later than planned. It’s a good idea to be at the bus stop five minutes in advance.
You can visit for all your questions about the OV-chipkaart. The information on this website is comprehensive and always up-to-date.
Of course, you can also travel by bus if you do not have a debit card with you, even though it is no longer possible to pay with cash on the bus. We do this to increase safety on the bus for our staff and our passengers.
If you do not have a debit card with you, you can still check in and out in the following ways:- Checking in and out with the payment app on your phone or smartwatch. Very convenient! Want to know more? Take a look at
- You can buy an e-ticket (digital) or an m-ticket (with barcode) via our website before your journey starts.
- Do you still want to buy a ticket with cash? You can do so at one of the sales points outside the bus.
See the In de bus webpage for a detailed explanation of what you can take on board the train.
FAQs about our webshop
Most passengers with a free travel, annual subscription automatically receive - about a month before the subscription expires - an email reminding them to purchase a new annual subscription. This depends on the product terms and conditions.
Passengers with a free travel monthly subscription or a discount card will not be notified.
Do you want to renew your subscription? Then buy your subscription in the webshop in advance. Make sure you set the start date correctly. -
- Try again after at least 30 minutes. Our system sometimes needs time to reset.
- If necessary, try it at another pick-up point. Again, leave 30 minutes between attempts.
- Is it still not working? Please contact our customer service.
- Check the start date of your subscription in your order confirmation (email).
- Check the area of validity. If you are travelling outside the travel area, the subscription is not valid and credit will be debited. If you do not have sufficient credity on your OV-chipkaart, you will not be able to check in.
- Are you sure the travel area and the start date are correct and the product is not working? Please contact our customer service.
You can stop your (discount) subscription at any time. You can do so via an online form. In some cases, you can get (part of) your purchase amount back. Read more under 'Terminate subscription'.
We no longer send the declaration to customers, but pass the details of free travel annual subscriptions directly to the Tax and Customs Administration. Monthly subscription can request a declaration on
> Read more about the OV-verklaring
FAQs about tickets
You can see an overview of the journeys and transactions you have made with your personal or anonymous OV-chipkaart on
Did you check in and out with your debit card, credit card or mobile (OVpay)? See an overview of your journeys at
Did you check in and out with your debit card, credit card or mobile phone in Gooi and Vechtstreek? Then you can also view your overview in your myTransdev account at or via the Transdev app. -
Annoying that your OV-chipkaart is broken or lost. Fortunately, this can be easily solved!
If your anonymous OV-chipkaart is broken or lost, you can reclaim your balance and buy a new OV-chipkaart, but it is even easier to check in and out with your debit card, credit card or mobile (OVpay).
Then you also save €7.50 (the cost of a new OV-chip card) and have one less plastic card in your wallet.
Did you have a personal OV-chipkaart without age discount or subscription? Then from now on you might as well use your debit card, credit card or mobile check-in and check-out (OVpay). Then you will also save € 11 (the cost of a replacement personal OV-chipkaart) and have one less plastic pass in your wallet.
Did you have a personal OV-chipkaart with age discount or a season ticket? Then you can apply for a replacement personal OV-chipkaart. This costs €11. Please note: do not apply for a new OV-chipkaart.
> Read more about a replacement OV-chipkaart and reclaiming your balance -
On our buses in the Netherlands, you cannot pay with cash. We do this to increase social safety on the bus for our staff and our passengers. There are plenty of other options:
1. checking in and out with debit card, credit card or mobile (OVpay)
2. checking in and out with your public transport chip card
3. buy an e-ticket in advance from our webshop
4. buy an m-ticket in advance via the Tranzer app
5. use your debit or credit card to buy a paper ticket from the bus driver
Do you still want to buy a ticket with cash? You can do so at one of the sales points outside the bus.
You can visit for all your questions about the OV-chipkaart. The information on this website is comprehensive and always up-to-date.
Nowadays, you can check in and out with:
- A debit card from ABN AMRO, ASN Bank, bunq, ING, Knab, Rabobank, RegioBank, SNS or the VISA debit card from Triodos.
- A debit or credit card from Maestro, V PAY, Mastercard or Visa.
- A debit card on your mobile.
- Dutch and foreign bank cards affiliated with Maestro
- Visa credit card
- MasterCard credit card
- American Express credit card
- V-Pay payment method
FAQs about accessibility
We make every effort to make public transportation as accessible as possible for everyone. Therefore, our regular buses are all equipped with a low step and a fold-out shelf for optimal accessibility. The buses also have an adapted area where a wheelchair can stand and be secured. When transporting our passengers, safety is always our first priority. Therefore, please note that not all types of (electric) wheelchairs are allowed on the bus and that different rules apply to our flex-buses and our neighbourhoud buses.
> Read more about accessibility for people with a mobility impairment -
This website partly complies with the legal accessibility requirements (level A). This means that most of the website is suitable for people with a visual impairment. We will continue to work on the further improvement of the site in accordance with the accessibility requirements.
> Read more about accessibility for people with a visual impairment
Contact us
Has your question not been answered? Please contact one of our customer service representatives.